I am a refugee from Ukraine
Welcome to Voorne aan Zee. This page will provide you with information which may be important for your stay in Voorne aan Zee. This information is updated regularly.
Important phone numbers
Emergencies: call 112 for police, fire or medical emergencies when immediate action is required. Please remember that the rescue services deal with urgent matters, try to contact the phone numbers below for non-urgent matters.
- Police: if you want to contact the police, but there is no immediate action required call 0900 88 44
- Netherlands Red Cross: +31 64 815 80 53
- Consulate of Ukraine in the Netherlands: +31 70 362 60 95
Information about your stay in the Netherlands
You’ll be able to find a great deal of important information for your stay in the Netherlands on the www.refugeehelp.com website. Are you staying at the holiday park? You can visit the daily consultation for more information, one person at a time. Monday to Friday from 09:00 – 11:00 am. On Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Location: at the back of the restaurant.
From 15 June 2022 Ukrainians in the Netherlands can change up to 10,000 hryvnia in banknotes into euros. This can only be done once. You can do this at any GWK Travelex branch. For more information: refugeehelp.nl/cash
I need medical help. How can I access this?
If you’re staying at the holiday park: You can indicate you need help via your group’s supervisor. He can provide you with further assistance.
If you're staying at someone's home: Then you can contact a GP or dental practice for medical care. Your host family can probably help you with that. In case of an emergency or if you’re in need of emergency care, please call the Dutch emergency number: 112.
Can I be registered in the municipality of Hellevoetsluis?
If you're staying at someone's home: You can register in our municipality if you’re staying with a host family in Hellevoetsluis. You’ll also be entitled to a living allowance and education once you’ve registered. Your host family can help you make an appointment with the municipality of Hellevoetsluis. They can call the municipality on 14 0181.
Are you staying at the holiday park because you’ll only be staying here for a short period of time? Then you can still register in our municipality. The municipality of Hellevoetsluis will get in touch with you to organize this.
Will I receive a living allowance, and how much?
You’ll be entitled to a living allowance as soon as you’re registered in our municipality. The exact amount of this living allowance will depend on your individual situation. You will receive a prepaid (debit) card from the municipality if you're entitled to a living allowance. You will receive the amount you’re entitled to every month.
his table will show you what you’re entitled to:
Food | Personal expenses | Living expenses | Total | |
People in municipal reception centres with full board | 55 euros | 55 euros | ||
People in municipal reception centres without full board | 205 euros | 55 euros | 260 euros | |
People staying with a host family (adult) | 205 euros | 55 euros | 215 euros | 475 euros |
People staying with a host family (minor) | 205 euros | 55 euros | 55 euros | 315 euros |
Can I travel by public transport?
If you’re staying at the holiday park: The municipality will only arrange essential travel. You can talk to your group’s supervisor about this. He will then arrange this with the location manager. We can subsequently assist you further.
Do you want to travel for other reasons? You can travel for free on public transport to meet up with other members of your family upon presentation of your Ukrainian ID card. You will find the Provincialeweg / Voorweg bus stop near the holiday park, along the road. You can enter your destination on the www.9292ov.nl website. This will then show you how to travel.
I'm staying with a host family, but can't stay here any longer, what can I do?
You can report to the reception center at Marten Meesweg 141B, 3068 AV Rotterdam. You will be registered there and a suitable reception place will be found for you as soon as possible. You can’t choose where or in what type of accommodation you’ll be staying.
Can I choose a reception location myself?
No, that’s not possible. You’re currently staying at a holiday park in Hellevoetsluis. Another place will be found for you if your stay here is no longer possible. That accommodation may be different to what you are currently used to. You can’t choose where you stay. You can, however, independently arrange a place for you to stay at your own expense.
I would like to learn the Dutch language, is that possible?
We're currently working on offering this service. We will let you know as soon as more information becomes available.
Can my children go to school here?
We're currently working on offering this service. We will let you know as soon as more information becomes available.
I would like to attend a church service, where is that possible?
There are several churches you can visit in Hellevoetsluis. Following is an overview with addresses and start times of the different services.
- Agapè Hellevoetsluis Evangelical Congregation. Address: Fazantenlaan 2 (in Jacob van Liesveldt school) Hellevoetsluis. Service: Sunday morning at 10.30 am. Website: www.evangeliegemeenteagape.nl
- Redemption Church Hellevoetsluis. Address: Fazantenlaan 2 (in Jacob van Liesveldt school). Service: Sunday afternoon at 2.15 pm. Website: www.redemptionchurch.nl
- Hellevoetsluis Protestant Community. Petrakerk. Address: Cornelis van Kleiburgstraat 4, Hellevoetsluis. Service: Sunday morning at 09.30 am. Website: https://hellevoetsluis.protestantsekerk.net
- Hellevoetsluis Protestant Community. Vestingkerk. Address: Oostzanddijk 18, Hellevoetsluis. Service: Sunday morning at 10.00 am. Website: https://hellevoetsluis.protestantsekerk.net
- Antonius van Padua Catholic Church. Address: Opzoomerlaan 108, Hellevoetsluis. Service: Sunday morning at 11.30 am. Website: www.antoniusvanpadua.com
- Destiny Church Hellevoetsluis. Address: Brielsestraatweg 3, Hellevoetsluis. Service: Sunday morning at 10.30 am. Website: https://destinyhellevoetsluis.nl
Welcoming pets
Some displaced people from Ukraine decided to take their pet(s) with them when they were forced to flee their country. It’s important for owners to take their pets to a vet as soon as possible for identification and registration purposes, as well as a risk assessment for rabies (https://www.rivm.nl/rabies) and any other animal diseases which are common abroad. The vet can determine the titre of rabies. Any Ukrainian pets must also be fully vaccinated for animal diseases which occur in the Netherlands and must be treated for worms, ticks and fleas.
- Please contact the vet immediately if the pet becomes ill or starts to display different behaviour.
- Applications for support for medical costs can be submitted via info@hulpvoordierenuitoekraine.nl.
- Be mindful of other infectious diseases and keep the animal separate, with appropriate interactions to prevent any possible infection. Please contact a vet should you have any questions regarding this.
- Provide a safe place for the pet: possibly a shelter and/or a covered crate. The pet could well have been through a great deal, including extreme noise levels and other unpleasant experiences and can therefore react differently to what you may expect
- Keep pets on a leash, or house them in a separate transport box or crate, preferably as close as possible (same space) to the owner. This relationship is going to be of vital importance to both the owner and the pet under these circumstances
- Avoid scratching, licking and biting at all times, at least until the rabies status has been confirmed. Neither people nor other animals should therefore be playing with these pets, cats should be kept indoors and dogs should be kept on a leash. Also avoid all possible contact with urine and faeces
- Wear gloves and a face mask when cleaning the pet’s housing
- Don’t use pressure washers, as these will spread fine droplets of potentially infectious material
- Contact a vet immediately in case of any possible biting incidents between animals.
- Contact your GP immediately in case of biting incidents with volunteers/employees and explain what type of pet caused the biting/scratching
Sirens are tested on the first Monday of every month in the Netherlands. You will hear the sirens go off for approximately a minute at midday. Don't worry, this is just a test.
Culture and communication with Dutch people
Be aware of cultural differences
There are many cultural difference between The Netherlands and Ukraine. The culture in the Netherlands is very direct. People will offer you things once. When they are offering something they really want to give it to you. But if you answer ‘no’ they will think that you don’t need it and won’t ask again. So please say yes the first time they ask if you want to accept their offer. It is also important to ask for things, because often they are not aware of your needs.
Download the app from Google Translate on your phone. This helps with the communication. If you don’t understand each other please be patient and try to formulate it in a simpler way.
In the Netherlands people use WhatsApp messenger instead of Viber, Telegram or Facebook. Please download this app on your phone to communicate to people.